
Case studies

I believe in taking a two-pronged approach to delivering sustainability. I believe using informed insight from experience; alongside collaborative ways of working (which are creative and inclusive) is the best way to deliver critical holistic thinking, quality technical appraisal, and provide a space for ideas-exchange and innovation. This approach is essential for successful transition from strategy, to plan, to action, to reporting.

Sustainability Strategy and Consultancy, TE2100, NEAS, Environment Agency

Supporting the formation and delivery of strategic sustainability framework within the wider benefits of flood defence delivery, along the Thames Estuary, addressing the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic, social).

Sustainability Self-Assessment Tool – International Two Sustainability Content Writers Perpendo

Appointment of sustainability course writers to input expert sustainability content into an online, global technological tool, in order to identify any strong or weak areas, and therefore drive international change within organisations. Global consultation, as required to address any gaps or improvements required

Flood Alleviation Projects – South East England Senior Environment Project Manager NEAS, Environment Agency

Appointed a Senior Environmental Project Manager to two contracts for National Environmental Assessment and Sustainability (NEAS) to help protect against flooding and minimise risks caused by floods. This included influencing local to national strategic sustainability targets (for carbon, biodiversity net gain, social value, UNSDGs etc.) and the delivery of complex emergency flood defence works.

Crossrail Elizabeth Line, London Consents, Sustainability and Environment Manager

Consents and Environment Manager implementing an extensive ISO14001 Environmental and Sustainability Management System (EMS) and dealing with all consents for the Traction Power Supply (TPS) electrification project. Consulting and managing throughout the iterative design, construction and post-construction stages, leading to the timely build of eight new ATS/ATFS.

Thames Estuary Asset Management (TEAM2100), London Principal Environment Advisor

We appointed a Principal Environmental Adviser for the implementation of the TEAM2100 programme, designed to refurbish and improve the tidal flood risk management assets in the estuary for the first 10 years of Thames Estuary 2100, as part of the 100-year plan. We provided strategic input and drove eco-innovation during implementation, over 175km of the River Thames.

HS2 Phase 2B – from Crewe to Manchester and West Midlands to Leeds

Appointed a Lead Author to manage all technical authorship aspects of the Lot 2 HS2 Phase 2b working draft and formal Environmental Statements (six in total), covering eight community forum areas (CFAs) from Crewe to Manchester and West Midlands to Leeds, for review by HS2, DfT and key parliamentary stakeholders. If room: This required the assessment of cumulative cumulative environmental effects and climate change resilience factors.

HS2 Phases 1 & 2A, Surrey Design Element Statement Lead and Environmental Coordination Atkins Consortium for HS2

Our Environment Coordinator led a team of 17+ landscape and environment specialists, to deliver upwards of 265 Design Element Statements (DES) to an evolving scheme design as part of the HS2 Phase 1 Environmental Statement and LVIA and Sifts for the main Phase One ES and Advanced Petitions for the Phase 2A scheme.

Evaluating Motorway Widening Schemes (A27), England EIA Lead Highways England

Managed all aspects of the Five-Year after Post Opening Project Evaluation (POPE) reporting, for a motorway widening scheme (A27) in England to determine compliance with the scheme ES and environment and sustainability issues. Production of a Handover Environment Management Plan for the M1.

Husbandry Guidelines, Paignton Consultant Researcher The Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust

A voluntary pro-bono contract role - Delivered scientific species advice and husbandry guidelines to Paignton Zoo, in an area of limited research, as part of the Whitney Wildlife Conservation Trust (WWCT).

Customer Testimonials

"ACM Consulting Services were brilliant to collaborate with and they demonstrated extensive knowledge and passion in the field of sustainability. I was impressed with their ability to view things in a different way and make clever connections that are not always obvious. They demonstrated tremendous dexterity to juggle the constant changing demands of the project and they earned my highest recommendations."
"It's been fantastic working with you. Your ability to assimilate and share information and your enthusiasm for the subject is awesome. I really hope we will work together again some time in the future."
"Thank you for all your support since you’ve been with us. It’s been fantastic to have your experience and knowledge steering the team to produce some really great work to help put the Thames Estuary on a path towards a sustainable and green future. I can definitely see the growth in ability and confidence across the team (including myself!) thanks to your imparting of wisdom"

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Anna is a bespoke Environment and Sustainability Consultancy consultant, who drives an equilibrium of environmental and operational performance, within the public and private sector, to empower a globally sustainable future through innovation, collaboration and expertise.