

Clients are organisations or projects of all sizes, in both the public and private sector, as we are scalable and adaptable to your needs.

Typical clients I have delivered wider benefits for include the; Rail and Infrastructure and the Water and Environment sectors.

I can also work with associates and partners in my network (via referral) to deliver ecology, circular economy, landscape, further EIA and consenting, and other specialist inputs. I also work with partners with a breadth of innovative technology.

Current & Past

Natural England - The government’s adviser for the natural environment in England. Helps to protect and restore our natural world. Delivering client activities such as: pro-bono conservation volunteer services at Yarner Wood, owned by Natural England.
DEFRA - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Delivering client activities such as: Rural Payments, Entitlements, and GIS services.
HS2 - High-speed rail infrastructure. Delivering client activities such as: Managing large, international and multi-disciplinary teams across aspects of Phase 1 and 2a, and 2b. EIA and technical environmental assessment (such as Lead Authorship, Sifts, LVIA), Quality Assurance Processes, Programme Management of Lead Authorship team.

Whitley Wildlife Trust - Wild Planet Trust, formerly known as the Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust, is a registered charity. Delivering client activities (pro-bono) such as: Undertaking work to provide published scientific conservation husbandry guidelines for P. Pithecia wildlife species. Working alongside PhD students in client team.
Crossrail - Railway construction project. Its aim is to provide a high-frequency hybrid commuter rail and rapid transit system crossing the capital from suburbs on the west to east, by connecting two major railway lines terminating in London: the Great Western Main Line and the Great Eastern Main Line. Delivering client activities such as: Consents, Sustainability and Environment Management, IS014001, Environmental Consultancy and Advisory, Site Management, Preparing for the Crossrail Audit on behalf of client teams and so on.
Environment Agency: Client is the National Environmental Assessment Service (NEAS) of the Environment Agency, specifically across the South East Hub and a number of key contracted projects. Delivering services for client in the fields of: Principal Environmental Advisory (for complex emergency flood defence works), Senior Environmental Project Management, EIA and Consents Scoping and Timelines, Stakeholder Engagement, Sustainability Advisory including influencing adopted key targets and ways of working.
TEAM2100: Client is the National Environmental Advisory Service (NEAS) for London Area (Thames Estuary) delivering Flood Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) 10-year delivery programme. Delivering services for client in the fields of: Senior/Principal Environmental Project Management, Environmental Compliance, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Assisting Consents (advice/timelines/engagement), Sustainability Advisory, Stakeholder Engagement with Environmental Groups.

Network Rail: A National Infrastructure client, for the regarded Elizabeth Line Programme - specifically, Traction Power Supply services. Operating under the Crossrail Act 2008. Delivering services for client in the fields of: Full Consents and Environment Management for the project, Environmental Minimum Requirements, Legislation review and Up-skilling, Environmental Impact Assessment, Technical Report Appraisal, Permitted Development or Planning supplementation, Stakeholder Engagement, Onsite/Offsite Audit Preparation and Representation , Multi- disciplinary Management across multiple geographical locations.
CAPITA - A Property and Infrastructure Delivering services for clients in the fields of ISO14001 Environment, Consenting and Sustainability Management Systems, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Appraisal at Technical Director level, Environmental Advisor on-site, and Associate Director Environment and Sustainability Consultancy. Multi-disciplinary Management across multiple geographical locations.

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Anna is a bespoke Environment and Sustainability Consultancy consultant, who drives an equilibrium of environmental and operational performance, within the public and private sector, to empower a globally sustainable future through innovation, collaboration and expertise.