
HS2 Phases 1 & 2A, Surrey Design Element Statement Lead and Environmental Coordination Atkins Consortium for HS2

  • Our Environment Coordinator led a team of 17+ landscape and environment specialists, to deliver upwards of 265 Design Element Statements (DES) to an evolving scheme design, which in turn supported amendments to the emerging HS2 Phase 1 Environmental Statement and subsequently informed environmental avoidance and mitigation requirements.
  • We contributed further technical LVIA and Sifts for the main Phase One ES and Advanced Petitions for the Phase 2A scheme, which involved managing packages of work involving GIS and multi-disciplinary environmental teams for final delivery.
  • All work was delivered to time, quality and cost.
  • Offered future work as a result of the work delivered within a collaborative team environment.

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Anna is a bespoke Environment and Sustainability Consultancy consultant, who drives an equilibrium of environmental and operational performance, within the public and private sector, to empower a globally sustainable future through innovation, collaboration and expertise.