ISO14001 Environment, Consenting and Sustainability Management
Are you looking to develop or manage the capabilities of your IS014001 Environment, Sustainability and Consenting Management System? Or, enhance the sustainability credentials of your project or organisation, in pursuit of delivering the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
I can help you!
I drive collaboration in order to foster trust between all stakeholders (inside and outside your organisation) and are integral in facilitating a forum for innovation, the perspective on what is possible, and how this can influence change in our audiences.
I empower a globally sustainable future by achieving rational, but ambitious, change through; holistic system thinking and championing compliance, best practise, and fully integrated working.
Additionally, as part of my agile, flexible and collaborative resource platform, we deliver other expert Environment, Consenting and Sustainability Managers, and technical specialist expertise, in our bid to achieve environmental net gain. This may range, for example from; Ecologists (with BNG, NBS experience), Social expertise, Water Educational Games, Landscape and Horticulture, Circular Economy professionals, Heritage specialists, Green Transport, or international contacts that innovate in this area, and so on.
I strive to go beyond expectations, having received a 4-STAR award in Environmental Inspections and accolade in Audits.